[a mini-memoir]

Yeah, well, what can I tell ya.  There were pages and pages and pages of personal stuff about my life and career in this section, along with the people I came in contact with at Carnegie Hall when I worked there and the amazing stories that went along with each and every one of them.

There were stories and anecdotes about theatrical people I worked with on B'way and Off and on TV, etc.; all those stories and more took flight when I got this idea to Select All and move them into a word document that I titled:

                                 WE DO NOT ENCOURAGE LATE-COMERS

Oh dear - I guess that means you.  So you'll just have to wait for the book to be released in order and read about the juicy experiences I had in my life.   And I'm going add more because my Mini Memoir, like my life, is "to be continued."

See ya!